The Dream of Starting a Family: An LGBTQ Story of Perseverance

It’s a tale as old as time. Boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy and girl have baby. Today, things are a little different. In today’s world, love is gender-free, and more same-sex couples are emerging with their own bundles of joy. Sadly, the dream of starting a family seems to be just that for many - a dream. Thankfully, IVF clinics like ours, New England Fertility Institute, are making family dreams come true for hundreds of couples. Just ask little Sebastian's Daddy and Pappi, two Dads who never thought it’d be possible for them…until they were holding their little one in their arms.
Don’t get us wrong, the road to parental bliss wasn’t necessarily easy for Sebastian's Daddy and Pappi. This gay married couple had to invest a lot of time, patience, and of course, savings into a nest egg, which all paid off the day their bundle of joy was born.
Like many same-sex couples in the LGBTQ community, the couple worked with a surrogate to help them bring their children into the world. Surrogacy is nothing new, and has been recognized as a means of successful family building for thousands of years. Sebastian is an example of the end result, the ultimate success story after literally years of perseverance!
More recently, technology advances have made it more accessible, thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and a process called gestational surrogacy. The female partner (or in this case, a known or anonymous egg donor) receives medications to generate multiple eggs. The eggs are then harvested and fertilized with the male partner’s sperm and the healthy embryos are transferred into the uterus of the carrier, who has been treated with hormones. Over 60 percent of gestational surrogacy attempts result in pregnancy. It is often recommended when the female partner is unable to carry a pregnancy and for same-sex male couples who wish to have a biological child.
Our intended parents near the end of their journey often say, “The whole thing is a little scary at first, but you slowly ease into the process. And in the long-run? To say it’s worth it would be an understatement."
Sebastian, now in elementary school, was no accident. He was carefully planned here at our state-of-the-art center, which specializes in surrogacy and egg donation. The entire clinical and administrative team at the clinic works closely with each individual or couple throughout the entire process, supporting their physical, emotional and even financial needs.
Medical Director Gad Lavy, MD concurs, “We really strive to make the process stress-free. The team is so compassionate and committed to helping indiviuals and couples of all backgrounds, gender and sexual orientation fulfill their dreams of starting a family.”
Most times, intended parents work with New England Fertility, and an agency they collaborate with, to choose the surrogate they found most suitable for their needs. The process takes a little patience, but eventually, once the baby is conceived, and our patients could finally start the family they’d always dreamed of, the work is always worth it. It’s possible, this is one of many individuals and couples that Gad Lavy, MD, Medical Director, has helped over his 25 years of expertise as a Reproductive Endocrinologist.
Surrogacy is becoming a growingly popular way for any individual or couple to start the family of their dreams. In fact, babies born via egg donation rose by 30% between 2004 and 2011, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
New England Fertility is a leading entity for family building in the surrogate friendly state of Connecticut, providing a wide range of gestational surrogate, egg donation, and in vitro fertilization options for every kind of couple. The clinic is passionate to ensure that all individuals and couples have access to starting or growing their family, and often provide complimentary access to educational events and consultations with Dr. Lavy to ensure that they help provide the support needed through every phase of the journey.
Visit to learn more and sign up for one of our many upcoming surrogacy and egg donation events, both online and throughout NYC today!